My Favourite Game


As a kid I wasn't much of a gamer, I did however play a game called moviestar planet.
This was my favourite game at the time, I was coming out of my Moshi Monsters obsession phase and this game was the next big thing that everyone was talking about on the playground. 
It may sound very lame to say this but playing moviestar planet made me feel very mature back then. Saying this it also was my first encounter with internet trolls as there were online chat rooms on the game. This in a way prepared me and I learnt early on that the internet can be a very dark place.

(these are planets to represent moviestar planet)

(this is a movie stars walk of fame star that also represents the game) 

planets image

walk of fame image


  1. Hello Iqrah I've never heard of this game, but it appears that you had a good time playing it. Yes, the internet can be a great but not so great place at times, and it's full of trolls and people who are just plain rude, which sucks, but there's nothing you can do but avoid them and keep playing. I enjoyed the read  :)


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