
 Tech Meme


Technology Tools 

My first impression of technology tools is a good one, 

I am  familiar with most of the online tools that we will be using and I have some experience with image editing.

However there are some tech tools that I haven't used like Automotivator, Cheezburger and Spark. I think its going to be fun and a little challenging at first but everything great doesn't start easy. 

It does feel a little bit daunting at first because its a new thing that we will be trying and I don't want to fall behind in this module if I cant get a hang of things at first. I thought I was up to date with all the new technology and apps etc but ever since starting university I have learnt that I know quite little , I didn't even know what Discord at the beginning 😂 .

With time I will learn and hopefully get good at using these new tools, ill keep you all updated with my progress.

Till Next Time...



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