

This week has been shambles                                          (My Game)

I started off trying to get my game to have even more obstacles but for some reason, nothing was working.

To add to that the graphics I had originally used ended up being way too complicated for the game and the obstacles and characters kept getting lost in the terrains. 

The only solution was to start all over again which is what I did.

Now my game is heading to a better place ( not         dead). I managed to make all my scripts again plus new ones there Is still a bit of work needed. The original plan of how this game was going to work has changed a bit. 

I am finding the coding a bit difficult because at times it won't work even though you have followed the tutorials properly and the scripts won't do what they're meant to so that gets frustrating at times. The stress of having a fully working game in a couple of weeks is seeping in and I don't know how to handle that. 


  1. Hi , Iqrah, it is really good that you are not giving up, i feel your pain and to be honest like my
    friend said to me the other day it is just practice and lots of repetition that can improve your game design experience. Regarding objects disappearing what if you just get a new object and position it wherever you like and then you just check its position numbers and rotation, i got my objects fixed the other day and it worked this way , because i know it is annoying when the objects from your game are not visible , so wish you good luck with your game and hope to play it at the end of the semester.

  2. Hey Iqrah, Happy to hear that you got your game to work after you had to do it from the beginning but I know the stress believe me, I had to restart my game from the beginning and added a lot of things including scripts, assets, and obstacles but there are a lot that didn't work and I am still trying to figure that out. I was adding a game over and a restart script to my game and suddenly my game decided to break and did not work. I started panicking but then I figured what was wrong and I just removed the scripts I added and it worked again. I would suggest to copy your prototype and paste it in another folder then try adding scripts and tested to see if it works then add what you did to your prototype so as to not break it and still have the original one.

  3. hi iqrah your game look so good i like how you made the river and the color works so well with everything i know that you been struggling with your unity me too its a stress but its good to see that your on track with try to get my game to restart and start nothing working yet, hopefully everything work for both of us, anyway keep up the good work your almost there sister i believe in you to get the job done.!!

  4. Hey Iqrah,
    My game's original plan has also modified.
    Firstly well done getting this far. I remember reading your blog way back when you proposed the idea. I was wondering how you were gonna pull it off but you definitely pulled it outta the bag with water. Is there any assets on the unity store for a boat that you could import into your game instead of using the yellow thing.

  5. Hey Iqrah,

    You're doing really well so far. Good job deciding to start over again at this stage as you've plenty of time to get back on track and it seems you've done that! Your game looks really good to be fair and I love the look of it so far. You certainly gave yourself a challenge with your game idea and it's impressive that you've been able to get to where you are now with it, so definitely give yourself a pat on the back because you're doing better than most (including me)!

    All the best for the rest of the project.


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