Games GDD
In this week's readings, we learned what a games design document is. It's a helpful tool in which designers use to keep track of their game ideas and it allows them to focus and not sway away from their initial designs.
I found that these documents are essential and a core aspect of the pre-productions and post-production of designing a game. personally, I would take this planning tactic and implement it into many of my other projects for the future. I find this method really helpful and keeps the mind focused on what outcome you want to achieve. Jesse Schel the author of the article I read talks about memory aid and communication tool.
Memory aid: A design document helps the designers memory while creating their game. It helps them keep track of important decisions they made throughout their process. This also aids the design time as the designer is not stuck solving the same problem multiple times.
Communication Tool: A document is also an effective tool when working in groups as it enables everyone to view the game designs decisions easily. This improves the communication between all team members.
I think this article is a great read and recommend it to others. Article, Games Design.
here are some links to useful resources
GDD is an important step when designing the game as it helps with remembering and recording your thoughts because if you didn't record your thoughts in this document you'll forget everything when you actually start designing the game and if you wanted to change anything you won't remember unless recording it in the GDD so this is one of the essential steps in game design.