Reading 06


Reflection: I was quite hesitant writing this chapter as I was worried I would not be able to do it correctly but once I started I got into the flow of it and actually enjoyed it. this is my first draft of it and I will wait for any feedback to then make changes to it.

(word doc image of chapter)

There’s no question when it comes to the evolution of gaming. We went from playing simple Pac-Man Games to games like Assassin’s Creed. How has this evolution occurred you may ask, well by the end of this chapter you will have learned how.


Narrative in a game is extremely important it is what makes your game intriguing and keeps the player engaged. Without having a good narrative for your game leads to the players getting uninterested and stop playing the game.

Having a clear and concise plan for your game’s narrative has many benefits such as helping the developers understand the structure and vision that is needed to be portrayed in the finished game.


Throughout the year technology has advanced so without question so has gaming. With technology being so advanced our gaming narratives are able to become more complex and fresher. We are no longer bound by barriers that suppress our creativity. Books and Gaming are quite similar in terms of their narratives which is what hooks the player, especially with some games allowing the narrative to change based on the player's decisions throughout the game.


There will always be room for improvement in this industry as technology is evolving so fast which means the narrative for gaming will be evolving alongside it allowing us to experience even more exciting complex games.












(Creative, 2015)


Creative, V., 2015. The Lit Platform. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 9 March 2022].



Creative, V., 2015. The Lit Platform. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 9 March 2022].

Dawn Stobbart, M. E., n.d. EngagingWithVideogames.pdf. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 9 march 2022].



(Dawn Stobbart, n.d.)


Creative, V., 2015. The Lit Platform. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 9 March 2022].

Dawn Stobbart, M. E., n.d. EngagingWithVideogames.pdf. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 9 march 2022].




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