Growth Mindset

 Growth Mindset 

 After watching Carol Dweck's very informative videos I started to self reflect on what type of person am I?

A person who has a Growth Mindset tends to enjoy challenges and things that cause them to think harder and problem solve whereas a fixed mindset person tends to find those situations somewhat frustrating if they cannot succeed early on.

from my self reflection I  realised growing up I had more of a  fixed mindset, because of this I put a lot of pressure on myself for academic validation. I felt that if I couldn't  understand something the first time then I was a lost cause and I wouldn't ever figure it out. 

@sulzyb twitter classroom meme

However I did enjoy mental challenges in other aspects of my life like reading and sports. I never gave up and I always wanted to learn more and gain more knowledge because I knew there was always more to learn. 

I feel the outcome of a persons mindset is how they are treated when faced with challenges. I remember feeling envious of people who understood something before me and I was stuck it made me feel like there was something wrong with me, why can they understand and I cant? That made me want to achieve what they had but i never saw the bigger picture that there's more to learn afterwards and that it wasn't a race. 

one thing that the article confirmed that I knew already was that people with a fixed mindset tend to have lower grades why because  I was one of those people.

One thing that I didn't know is how much a phrase like "not yet " can change peoples lives . Just that simple phrase changes someone's mindset for the better and makes them feel like they can and will become better.

One thing I am curious to explore is can I change my own mindset for the better and slowly but surely become someone with a growth mindset. 

I will try to always remind myself when I do get to into difficult situations that " I am Not Yet " ready for it but that doesn't mean I will never be.



  1. I like how you are trying to change your fixed mindset so you could do better. Hope you achieve and wish you luck.


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